Anadolubank Netherlands N.V. highly values the good relationship with its customers. Therefore we are doing our utmost to make our services as efficient as possible. However, we realize that you may be unhappy about something. In that case, we hope you will inform us so that we can solve your complaint as soon as possible. This way we want to maintain your trust in our bank and improve our services.
How to file a complaint with us?
If you have a complaint, you can address your complaint in writing to:
Anadolubank Nederland N.V.
Attn. Management Board
De Boelelaan 7, Officia 1
1083 HJ Amsterdam
Anadolubank Netherlands N.V. will handle your complaint and reply within a two-week period.
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you may contact the Independent Disputes Committee (KIFID) in writing. This committee operates independently and its statements are binding. The Disputes Committee only takes into consideration complaints from natural persons (individuals). You can also contact this committee if you have not received a response from us within three months after submitting your complaint to Anadolubank Nederland N.V. Your complaint must be received by the Disputes Committee within six months of the date of filing of your complaint with Anadolubank Nederland N.V.
You may request an information brochure for free at the following address:
Klachteninstituut Financiele Dienstverlening (KIFID)
Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag
We refer to the website for further information on the KiFiD procedure.