Retail Banking
Retail Banking  ›  FAQ


How can I open an account?

The account can be opened in the name of any natural person resident in the Netherlands. To open the account, the Product Terms & Conditions and the General Terms & Conditions must be read carefully and application forms must be filled accordingly.
Filled forms with an ID copy attached should be sent to the following address;
Anadolubank Nederland N.V.
Afdeling Retail Banking
Antwoordnummer 47234
1070 VC Amsterdam

What is a joint account?

Joint account is an account opened in the name of two resident natural persons. Both account holders are responsible independently. The bank is entitled to carry out related transactions with regard to the account ordered by any of the account holders.

What is counter account?

Counter account is the account defined on the application forms of the account holder(s) with any other bank which will be utilized for the money withdrawals from the account. According to the regulations, money can only be withdrawn and transferred to the counter account

Can a minor open an account?

If one of the account holders is younger than 18 years and unmarried, at least one of the parents or legal representatives must have been authorized.

Are there minimum — maximum amounts to open accounts?

There are no minimum amounts for any type of account opening. However time deposit accounts opened through internet branch of the Bank will be subject to a minimum € 1.000,- amount. For both savings and deposit accounts, the maximum amount is € 500,000,-

How can I withdraw money?

Withdrawals only can be done via the counter accounts as mentioned above. To withdraw money from Anadolubank Alfa Savings account to the counter account, simply filling the Amendments & Withdrawals form or calling our Call Center at 0900 517 1900 is enough.

Is there any cost applicable for withdrawals from accounts?

Other than the urgent payments which are subject to € 7,- cost, there are no costs applicable.

Can I withdraw my money at any time?

You can withdraw your money from savings accounts at any time. The conditions to withdraw money from your time deposit account before the maturity date are stipulated in the Article 25 of Anadolubank Products Terms & Conditions.

When does the interest accrue to my account?

Interest on the Alfa Savings Account accrues in the very first workday of every quarter in January, April, July and October. Interest on the Alfa Rente Direct Savings accrues every day. Interest on the Alfa Smart Savings accrues once annually. Interest on the Alfa Deposits with a term longer than two year accrues annually to your Alfa Savings Account or Alfa Interest - Direct Savings Account. Interest on the Alfa Deposits with a period of 18 months and shorter, the interest accrues at the maturity date on your Alfa Savings Account, Alfa Interest - Direct Savings Account or Alfa Smart Savings Account.

Is my savings covered by Deposit Guarantee Scheme?

The Deposit Guarantee Scheme covers amounts up to € 100.000,- per accountholder per bank, regardless of the number of accounts held. For more information please visit the web page of de Nederlandsche Bank.

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